# Status [![Deploy Status](http://delphi.midas.cs.cmu.edu/~automation/public/github_deploy_repo/badge.php?repo=cmu-delphi/www-epivis)](#) # About An interactive tool for visualizing epidemiological time-series data. The site is live at http://delphi.midas.cs.cmu.edu/epivis/ # Legacy Changelog ```` === v39: 2017-12-04 === ./epivis.html + source `quidel` js/epidata.js + source `quidel` (by Lisheng) === v38: 2017-02-15 === ./epivis.html + 'run regression','reset' features js/epivis.js + regression related member functions in Dataset class js/treeview.js * return full path for dataset in `getDatasets...()` functions (by Lisheng) === v37: 2017-02-07 === ./epivis.html + source `flusurv` js/epidata.js + source `flusurv` === v36: 2016-11-15 === ./epivis.html * API update for `stateili` param `version` js/epidata.js * API update for `stateili` param `version` === v35: 2016-11-14 === ./epivis.html * link to 3rd party libs instead of hosting them === v34: 2016-08-05 === ./epivis.html + added description for authorization token under ILINet (by Paul) === v33: 2016-06-16 === js/epivis.js + don't request focus if in an iframe === v32: 2016-04-20 === js/epivis.js + don't interpolate missing values (unless enabled) === v31: 2016-04-16 === ./epivis.html + location for source `cdc` js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + location for source `cdc` === v30: 2016-04-15 === ./epivis.html + YYYYWW epiweek date column js/csv.js + YYYYWW epiweek date column === v29: 2016-04-09 === ./epivis.html + all locations for `nowcast` js/epidata.js * new `nowcast` start week === v28: 2016-04-07 === ./epivis.html + sources `cdc` and `sensors` * createDataset handles different dates js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + sources `cdc` and `sensors` === v27: 2016-04-06 === ./epivis.html + source `stateili` js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + source `stateili` * fixed first `ght` epiweek === v26: 2016-04-01 === ./epivis.html + census regions for fluview, ilinet, and twitter === v25: 2016-03-22 === ./epivis.html + added screenshot button and function === v24: 2016-02-18 === ./epivis.html + param `auth` for source `ilinet` js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + param `auth` for source `ilinet` === v23: 2016-01-29 === ./epivis.html + signal `ght` === v22: 2015-12-15 === ./epivis.html + source `nowcast` * fixed wording and default value for `fluview` lag parameter js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + source `nowcast` === v21: 2015-12-11 === ./epivis.html + source `signals` js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + source `signals` === v20: 2015-12-03 === ./epivis.html + source `ght` css/epivis.css * increased option_label width js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + source `ght` === v19: 2015-09-18 === js/epidata.js + added `value` column for wiki === v18: 2015-09-15 === ./epivis.html + ILINet support js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + ILINet support === v17: 2015-08-20 === ./epivis.html + NIDSS dengue support js/delphi_epidata.js * from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + NIDSS dengue support * NIDSS flu update === v16: 2015-08-11 === ./epivis.html + NIDSS support js/delphi_epidata.js + from https://github.com/undefx/delphi-epidata js/epidata.js + NIDSS support + New wiki field * wrapper for delphi_epidata.js === v15: 2015-07-31 === ./epivis.html + auth token for twitter js/epidata.js + auth token for twitter === v14: 2015-07-24 === ./epivis.html + parse CSVOptions from CSV comment + auto load file when CSVOptions present + bulk add/remove grouped datasets js/csv.js + ignore lines starting with '#' === v13: 2015-07-23 === ./epivis.html * createDataset requires kernel to be non-null * fixed preview box wrapping js/epivis.js + range check for week in Date.fromEpiweek * fix (hack) for week 53 in years with 52 weeks === v12: 2015-07-09 === ./epivis.html + draw custom line js/epivis.js * fixed autoscale with multiple datasets === v11: 2015-07-03 === ./epivis.html + meta viewport tag + meta mobile-web-app-capable tag + link to manifest.json + link to icon.png + new buttons for CSV, API, kernels + fullscreen support + android homescreen support * improved dialog support * better tooltip positioning * hide tooltip after button click * adjustments to top bar * import via dialog - "flag" buttons for UI layout - sample CSV files ./icon.png + basic icon for android homescreen ./manifest.json + basic manifest for android homescreen css/epivis.css * increased size of top bar * adjusted button look and feel * changed import color scheme - bottom section now inside dialog js/epivis.js * default dataset lineWidth 1 to 2 * various linting === v10: 2015-07-02 === ./epivis.html + 97 GFT cities + UI tooltips for top-bar buttons css/epivis.css + tooltip class === v9: 2015-06-30 === ./epivis.html + experimental overlay/dialog css/epivis.css + overlay/dialog classes === v8: 2015-06-24 === ./epivis.html + twitter from Epidata API + wiki from Epidata API * major improvements to Epidata API * tentatively enabled multiscale button css/epivis.css * some padding for option labels * tree view width from 200px to 15% js/epidata.js + Delphi Epidata API (supporting all data sources) js/epivis.js + scale and vertical offset per dataset + dataset scale by mean * small tweaks for jsHint === v7: 2015-06-23 === ./epivis.html + page title + more documentation for file loading + fetch from Epidata API (FluView and GFT) * better mime type detection (excel types) * converted double quotes to single quotes css/epivis.css + extra classes for documentation js/csv.js + export CSV.DataGroup * small syntax adjustments === v6: 2015-03-24 === ./epivis.html + automatic file preview === v5: 2015-03-17 === ./epivis.html + kernel: product js/csv.js * fixed loading without date column * fixed loading 1-column CSV js/epivis.js + .showPoints + .isShowingPoints js/treeview.js + .getAllDatasets === v4: 2015-01-21 === ./epivis.html + kernels: sum and iliplus === v3: 2015-01-20 === ./changelog.txt + separate changelog file ./epivis.html + link to this changelog + createDataset (very experimental) + Kernels (kernel generators) * fixed randomize button's id css/epivis.css + reasonable anchor colors js/csv.js * Use Date.fromEpiweek js/epivis.js + Date.fromEpiweek + .toString js/treeview.js + .getSelectedDatasets === v2: 2014-12-22 === + randomize color button + autoscale button === v1: 2014-12-22 === * original version ````